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191. A. Alavi Zargar, C. Berti, M. R. Ejtehadi and S. Furini,
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Orai Reveal How the Third Transmembrane Segment Contributes to Hydration and Ca2+ Selectivity in Calcium Release-Activated Calcium Channels,
J. Phys. Chem. B 122(2018), 4407  [abstract]   
192. M. Rayka, M. Goli and Sh. Shahbazian,
Effective electronic-only Kohn-Sham equations for the muonic molecules,
Physical Chem. Chemical Phys. 20(2018), 8802  [abstract]   
193. L. Majidi, M. Zare and R. Asgari,
Quantum transport in new two-dimensional heterostructures: thin films of topological insulators, phosphorene,
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications (Invited paper) 549(2018), 77  [abstract]   
194. A. Kardani, B. Mehrafrooz and A. Montazeri,
MD-based computational design of newengineered Ni-based nanocatalysts: An in-depth study of the underlying mechanism,
Eur. Phys. J. plus 133(2018),   [abstract]   
195. T. Takieh, P. Sasanpour and H. Rafii-Tabar,
Electrophysiological effects of low frequency electrical radiation on the neural compartment: a theoretical investigation,
Biomedical Phys. & Engineering Express 4(2018), 025040  [abstract]   
196. M. Rayka, M. Goli and Sh. Shahbazian,
Toward a muon-specific electronic structure theory: effective electronic Hartree-Fock equations for muonic molecule,
Physical Chem. Chemical Phys. 20(2018), 4466  [abstract]   
197. M. Azizi and B. Ghavami,
Charge transport in germanium doped phosphorene nanoribbons,
RSC Adv. 8(2018), 19479  [abstract]   
198. J. Adiban, Y. Jamali and H. Rafii-Tabar,
Simulation of the effect of an external GHz electric field on the potential energy profile of Ca2+ ions in the selectivity filter of the CaVAb channel,
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 86(2018), 414  [abstract]   
199. Z. Nourbakhsh and R. Asgari,
Charge transport in doped zigzag phosphorene nanoribbons,
Phys. Rev. B 97(2018), 235406  [abstract]   
200. Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari,
Plasmonic physics of 2D crystalline materials,
App. Science (invited paper) 8(2018), 238  [abstract]   

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